4. Trimming Preparations

Written By: noah

  • Difficulty
  • Easy
  • Estimated Completion Time
  • 1.0 hours
  • Steps
  • 2

Step 1 Drawing the Trim Oultine

Before we can trim, it's important to draw an outline with a permanent marker in order to know where to cut. Each trim will be different depending on the project it's going to be used in, and the following trim is an example of a trim for a G-Boy kit. 

  • Using a permanent marker, draw your trim outline.

Step 2 Removing Components

As you drew your outline you might have noticed there are components in the way of where you want to cut. To make things easier, we'll remove these components before trimming.

  • Using a pair of pliers, grab the capacitors or inductors as shown. Twisting them will remove them from the motherboard.
  • Make sure to remove any plasitc left behind.